I wanted to explore the idea of lust, and this the expression of what I feel when I finally collide with the object of my lust and desire. Its a burst of energy, a release of tension and an explosion of whirling emotions. Lust is rarely an emotion to be trusted, as it often comes with consequences. It is both light and dark, radiant and vivid yet often fraught with confusion and dismay. I wondered how I could create something that conveyed these conflicting sensations. I chose colors that were hot, and paired them a style of application that felt splintered, shattered, cold. There is no top coat here, no protective layer. The painting is raw and laid bare to the elements. Its the first in a series I created in at attempt to chronologically convey the different stages of my relationship with my then partner. It too was therapeutic at the time, as the majority of my work is to me, and it was around this time that I conceived the name of the business I would come to open later that year. Some people describe their hobbies as a labor of love, and although I do absolutely love what I do, I find that the phrase Labor Of Rage ART is a more accurate description of the vocation.